Antonis Antoniou

Antonis Antoniou

Antonis antoniou, Latest News

Prediction algorithm can help target men at greatest risk of prostate cancer risk: Study - Hindi News | Prediction algorithm can help target men at greatest risk of prostate cancer risk: Study | Latest technology News at

Technology :Prediction algorithm can help target men at greatest risk of prostate cancer risk: Study

A comprehensive tool for predicting an individual's risk of developing prostate cancer has been created by Cambridge scientists. They ... ...

Faulty BRCA genes, known to increase breast cancer risk, now linked to prostate and pancreatic cancers - Hindi News | Faulty BRCA genes, known to increase breast cancer risk, now linked to prostate and pancreatic cancers | Latest technology News at

Technology :Faulty BRCA genes, known to increase breast cancer risk, now linked to prostate and pancreatic cancers

If outside factors like exposure to pesticides, smog and pollution weren't enough, internal factors like faulty versions of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, have now been linked to several other cancers, including those that affect men. ...