
Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev

Ben-gurion university of the negev, Latest News

Chronic pain disorder linked to heightened risk of early death - Hindi News | Chronic pain disorder linked to heightened risk of early death | Latest international News at

International :Chronic pain disorder linked to heightened risk of early death

Jerusalem, July 11  People living with fibromyalgia -- a severe chronic pain disorder that causes persistent widespread pain ... ...

Israeli scientists identify molecule preventing dental cavities - Hindi News | Israeli scientists identify molecule preventing dental cavities | Latest international News at

International :Israeli scientists identify molecule preventing dental cavities

Jerusalem [Israel], June 30 (ANI/TPS): A team of Israeli-led researchers have identified a naturally occurring molecule that reduces the ... ...

Omicron variant did not eliminate Delta, it may return: Study - Hindi News | Omicron variant did not eliminate Delta, it may return: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Omicron variant did not eliminate Delta, it may return: Study

Jerusalem, May 3 The Omicron variants may burn themselves out in the next couple of months and the ... ...

Study finds routine prenatal ultrasound identifies autism's early signs - Hindi News | Study finds routine prenatal ultrasound identifies autism's early signs | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study finds routine prenatal ultrasound identifies autism's early signs

A routine prenatal ultrasound in the second trimester can identify early signs of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a new study by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka Medical Center has found. ...

Routine prenatal ultrasound identifies early signs of autism: Study - Hindi News | Routine prenatal ultrasound identifies early signs of autism: Study | Latest health News at

Health :Routine prenatal ultrasound identifies early signs of autism: Study

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a condition related to brain development that impacts a person's perception and socialization with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. A routine prenatal ultrasound in the second trimest ...

Study determines why music is important for young drivers - Hindi News | Study determines why music is important for young drivers | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Study determines why music is important for young drivers

The findings of a recent study led by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers suggests that for young drivers it is "absolutely impossible" to drive without listening to music. ...

Here's why music is a must for young drivers! - Hindi News | Here's why music is a must for young drivers! | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :Here's why music is a must for young drivers!

Driving is "absolutely impossible" without music, suggested the findings of a new study led by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers. ...

Study suggests medical cannabis helpful in reducing blood pressure - Hindi News | Study suggests medical cannabis helpful in reducing blood pressure | Latest health News at

Health :Study suggests medical cannabis helpful in reducing blood pressure

The findings of a new study by researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and its affiliated Soroka University Medical Center, suggests that medical cannabis may help in reducing blood pressure in older adults. ...