
Bhanumurthy, News

Bhanumurthy, Latest News

Chetti Bhanumurti was a Hymn Writer whose hymns are found in the Hymnal in Telugu. Bhanumurti was a Pastor of the Canadian Baptist Mission/Convention of Baptist Churches of Northern Circars who also led the Principalship of the Baptist Theological Seminary, Kakinada from 1945-1956 leading to its affiliation to the nation's first University, Senate of Serampore College in 1946
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State of Economy-VIII: Falling household savings may haunt new government - Hindi News | State of Economy-VIII: Falling household savings may haunt new government | Latest business News at

Business :State of Economy-VIII: Falling household savings may haunt new government

As the five year term of Narendra Modi-led NDA government finishes and with the results of the general elections 2019 are just a few hours away, a major task for the next government will be to boost household savings in the country, the net supplier ...