James David Manning

David Manning, News

David manning, Latest News

James David Manning is an American pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church. Manning grew up in Red Springs, North Carolina, and has been with ATLAH since 1981. ATLAH stands for All The Land Anointed Holy, which is Manning's name for Harlem.
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Study suggests improving water quality could help conserve insectivorous birds - Hindi News | Study suggests improving water quality could help conserve insectivorous birds | Latest technology News at

Technology :Study suggests improving water quality could help conserve insectivorous birds

A new study is one of the first to find evidence for a causal link between the decline of insectivorous birds (i.e. birds preying on flying insects), the decline of emergent aquatic insects, and poor water quality. ...

Papua New Guinea bars COVID-19 immunised Chinese workers from entering country - Hindi News | Papua New Guinea bars COVID-19 immunised Chinese workers from entering country | Latest international News at

International :Papua New Guinea bars COVID-19 immunised Chinese workers from entering country

Papua New Guinea barred the arrival of a flight carrying Chinese workers after a Chinese mining company has claimed that it has immunised employees against COVID-19 in an apparent vaccination trial, authorities said on Friday. ...