Google Operations Centre

Google Operations Centre, News

Google operations centre, Latest News

Herbalife Nutrition is a global multi-level marketing corporation that develops, markets, and sells dietary supplements, weight management, sports nutrition, and personal-care products.
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Google to hire 3,800 full-time workers, India on list - Hindi News | Google to hire 3,800 full-time workers, India on list | Latest technology News at

Technology :Google to hire 3,800 full-time workers, India on list

20 After facing criticism that the tech giant relies more on low-cost, third-party temporary workers, Google has announced to hire 3,800 "in-house" full-time employees in 2020 at various sites, including in India who will provide customer care suppo ...

Google to hire 3,800 full-time workers for customer support - Hindi News | Google to hire 3,800 full-time workers for customer support | Latest technology News at

Technology :Google to hire 3,800 full-time workers for customer support

After facing criticism that the tech giant relies more on low-cost, third-party temporary workers, Google has announced to hire nearly 3,800 "in-house" employees in 2020 at various sites including in India who will provide customer care support. ...