Hakim Jamal

Hakim Jamal, News

Hakim jamal, Latest News

Hakim Abdullah Jamal was the name adopted by African-American activist Allen Donaldson, who was a cousin of Malcolm X and later became an associate of Michael X. Jamal wrote From the Dead Level, a memoir of his life and memories of Malcolm X.
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Kristen Stewart confesses feeling presence of late Jean Seberg during filming biopic - Hindi News | Kristen Stewart confesses feeling presence of late Jean Seberg during filming biopic | Latest entertainment News at

Entertainment :Kristen Stewart confesses feeling presence of late Jean Seberg during filming biopic

American actor Kristen Stewart, who is all set to portray the role of late actor Jean Seberg in her biopic, confessed that she felt the presence of the actor who died by suicide in 1979 after a long struggle with depression, on the films scary set. ...