
Iman El Gharamti

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Researchers find warm ice may fracture differently than cold ice - Hindi News | Researchers find warm ice may fracture differently than cold ice | Latest technology News at

Technology :Researchers find warm ice may fracture differently than cold ice

Strong evidence that warm ice - that is, ice very close in temperature to zero degrees Celsius - may fracture differently than the kinds of ice typically studied in laboratories or nature, according to the findings of a new study led by researchers a ...

Researchers find warm ice may fracture differently than cold ice - Hindi News | Researchers find warm ice may fracture differently than cold ice | Latest technology News at

Technology :Researchers find warm ice may fracture differently than cold ice

Strong evidence that warm ice - that is, ice very close in temperature to zero degrees Celsius - may fracture differently than the kinds of ice typically studied in laboratories or nature, according to the findings of a new study led by researchers a ...