
Keshav Kumar Meena, News

Keshav kumar meena, Latest News

Where history meets law enforcement: Gujarat's heritage police stations - Hindi News | Where history meets law enforcement: Gujarat's heritage police stations | Latest national News at

National :Where history meets law enforcement: Gujarat's heritage police stations

Dholka (Gujarat), May 23 Police stations in Gujarat have more than just policing as the structures many of ... ...

Alwar temple demolition: Rajasthan govt suspends 3 officials including Rajgarh SDM - Hindi News | Alwar temple demolition: Rajasthan govt suspends 3 officials including Rajgarh SDM | Latest politics News at

Politics :Alwar temple demolition: Rajasthan govt suspends 3 officials including Rajgarh SDM

Amid the row over the 300-year-old Shiva temple demolition in Alwar, the Rajasthan government suspended three officials including a Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) on Monday. ...