
Marshall Mohammad Qasim Fahim, News

Marshall mohammad qasim fahim, Latest News

Afghan First Vice President Saleh criticises Pakistan for not pressuring Taliban amid peace talks - Hindi News | Afghan First Vice President Saleh criticises Pakistan for not pressuring Taliban amid peace talks | Latest international News at

International :Afghan First Vice President Saleh criticises Pakistan for not pressuring Taliban amid peace talks

During his speech at the seventh anniversary of the death of Marshall Mohammad Qasim Fahim, Amrullah Saleh, the First Vice President of Afghanistan on Monday said he will never sign a document prepared under by Pakistan's Haqqania Madrasas, and criti ...

Treating Pak as 'normal neighbour' won't benefit Afghan peace process: Vice President Saleh - Hindi News | Treating Pak as 'normal neighbour' won't benefit Afghan peace process: Vice President Saleh | Latest international News at

International :Treating Pak as 'normal neighbour' won't benefit Afghan peace process: Vice President Saleh

Reiterating that several Taliban leaders are based in Pakistan, the Afghan government on Monday said Islamabad is a direct party to the Afghanistan conflict and treating it as a "normal neighbour" would not help the peace process in the war-torn coun ...