
Mcrb, News

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Chinese companies remain mum as international companies condemn Myanmar's growing violence - Hindi News | Chinese companies remain mum as international companies condemn Myanmar's growing violence | Latest international News at

International :Chinese companies remain mum as international companies condemn Myanmar's growing violence

While several multinational companies have publicly expressed their opposition to the military coup and growing violence in Myanmar, China has maintained silence even as Beijing reportedly ordered its state enterprises to evacuate non-essential staff ...

Chinese companies remain mum as international companies condemn Myanmar's growing violence - Hindi News | Chinese companies remain mum as international companies condemn Myanmar's growing violence | Latest international News at

International :Chinese companies remain mum as international companies condemn Myanmar's growing violence

While several multinational companies have publicly expressed their opposition to the military coup and growing violence in Myanmar, China has maintained silence even as Beijing reportedly ordered its state enterprises to evacuate non-essential staff ...