
Pavneet Puri, News

Pavneet puri, Latest News

Kurin Systems introduce first electronic air purification mask called Kurin Atom - Hindi News | Kurin Systems introduce first electronic air purification mask called Kurin Atom | Latest technology News at

Technology :Kurin Systems introduce first electronic air purification mask called Kurin Atom

Wearing a mask for an entire day in these COVID times is not easy as one eventually does have a problem in breathing properly, but this issue has now been looked at by the makers of the Kurin City Cleaner, the Air Purification Smog Tower as they have ...

Kurin City Cleaner introduces first air purification mask called Kurin Atom Ver 2.0.4 - Hindi News | Kurin City Cleaner introduces first air purification mask called Kurin Atom Ver 2.0.4 | Latest technology News at

Technology :Kurin City Cleaner introduces first air purification mask called Kurin Atom Ver 2.0.4

Wearing a mask for an entire day in these COVID times is not easy as one eventually does have a problem in breathing properly, but this issue has now been looked at by the makers of the Kurin City Cleaner, the Air Purification Smog Tower as they have ...