
Universal Sportzbiz Pvt. Ltd, News

Universal sportzbiz pvt. ltd, Latest News

AB de Villiers named face of lifestyle apparel line WROGN ACTIVE - Hindi News | AB de Villiers named face of lifestyle apparel line WROGN ACTIVE | Latest lifestyle News at

Lifestyle :AB de Villiers named face of lifestyle apparel line WROGN ACTIVE

WROGN, the youth fashion brand from Universal Sportzbiz Pvt. Ltd (USPL) on Tuesday chose South Africa cricket legend AB de Villiers as the face of WROGN ACTIVE an eclectic range of lifestyle apparel that is high on both, performance and fashion, and ...

de Villiers launches WROGN's active wear line WROGN ACTIVE - Hindi News | de Villiers launches WROGN's active wear line WROGN ACTIVE | Latest cricket News at

Cricket :de Villiers launches WROGN's active wear line WROGN ACTIVE

WROGN, the youth fashion brand from Universal Sportzbiz Pvt. Ltd (USPL) on Tuesday chose South Africa cricket legend AB de Villiers as the face of WROGN ACTIVE - an eclectic range of lifestyle apparel that is high on both performance and fashion, and ...